Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2 Review is one of the best torrent trackers of China. HDChina contains 3D movies, 1080p movies, 720p movies, bluray movies and more... HDChina has its own encoders such as "HDChina", "HDCTV", "LU9998", "iHDv", "KiSHD", "beAst", "SiHD" ... The reason why HDChina is so popular is that one has to seed and leech parallelly otherwise they will get banned. HDChina has strict rules which makes it easy for you to download movies or tv series. HDChina is one of the best private torrent trackers which makes it difficult to be a member of this torrent website. Nowadays, one should be invited by a friend of them to sign up and enter HDChina or you should offer money to a stranger who has invitation. In order to invite someone, a member should have 50.000 bonus points which could be earned by downloading and uploading files. Also, one can have extra bonus points by paying money.

Some rules from

    If you download less than 10 GB, your share rate must be higher than 0.3.
If you have more than 10 GB of download, you have to share is higher than 0.4.
If you have more than 20 GB of download, you have to share is higher than 0.5.
If you have more than 50 GB download, you have to share is higher than 0.6.
If you have more than 100 GB of download, you have to share is higher than 0.7.

Also, if you do not enter the website more than 6 weeks, you will get banned. 

Screenshots from


Anonymous said...

please can someone invite me to this wonderful tracker HDChina , my email is
Thank you in advance

doordioe said...

please someone invite me to this website please and my email. id is (

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