If your ratio does not meet the standards required for the amount you've downloaded and the length of time you've been on the site, you will be put on ratio watch and demoted to the PowderMonkey class. You will have two weeks to get your ratio to the required level for the amount you've downloaded - failure to do so will result in your account being automatically disabled.If you download over 20GB while you're on ratio watch, you will be instantly disabled.Everyone gets to download their first 20GB before ratio watch kicks in. If you've been a member for less than 2 weeks, ratio watch doesn't kick in until the 50GB barrier. If you pass one of the barriers while on ratio watch, you are immediately subject to the new requirements. For example, if you've been a member of the site for two weeks and you've downloaded 40 gigs with a ratio of 0.20, then you go ahead and download another 20 gigs while on your first day of ratio watch, you will have 13 days to get your ratio up to your new target of 0.40. You are only allowed to go on ratio watch twice. The third time your ratio dips below the required level, your account is instantly disabled.
That's how their ratio system is.